Message from the Registrar
Mr VM Tlala
As the pharmacy profession welcomes a newly constituted 25-member Council collective, the Office of the Registrar has geared itself towards supporting Council achieve its five-year strategic plan. Mr Vincent Tlala, the Registrar/CEO of the South African Pharmacy Council, briefly takes stock of the path ahead in article.
Following the conclusion of the 2023 Council Elections and the subsequent constitution of the South African Pharmacy Council in terms of Section 5(7) of the Pharmacy Act, 53 of 1974, by the Honourable Minister of Health, the 25-member-strong team met to finalise the 2024-2028 Council Strategic Plan. This plan was then assented to in principle at the first ordinary Council meeting in February 2024.
Both the National Development Plan and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals call for a universally accessible healthcare system for South Africa, and both instruments set the target date for this envisioned reality as 2030. While the strategic plan of Council ends in 2028, as the Office of Council we see this strategic plan as our Vision 2030 blueprint. We hope that, by helping Council achieve the strategic objectives it has set for the five-year period, we will have helped Pharmacy arrive at a state of readiness to deliver the healthcare hopes and aspirations of the people of South Africa.
The clear definition of the primary healthcare role of the pharmacist, through such programmes as Primary Care Drug Therapy, Immunisation, and Pharmacist-Initiated Therapy, will enable South Africa to meet the various healthcare needs of our people, both in the present moment and in the envisioned near future of universal healthcare coverage.
The Office of Council will continue to operationalise Council’s strategic objectives and track the attainment of such objectives continuously. The support of both the Council and its committees in the review of existing standards and the development of new policy remains among our core objectives.
CPD Compliance
The 2023 compliance period for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) has come to an end on 31 December 2023, pharmacists who are yet to submit all six (6) CPD entries are in the grace period and places their ability to practise at risk.
There will be no extension to the grace period after 30 April 2024; should you not be compliant with the 2023 CPD requirements by the end of the grace period, you will be designated as a Non-Practising Pharmacist or disciplinary action will be instituted against you. A non-practising designation will mean that you will no longer be entitled to practise any or all of the prescribed scope of practice of a pharmacist, or to perform any act which you, in your capacity as a registered person, are entitled to perform.
The Office of the Registrar has put together various tools to assist pharmacists to comply, including “how to” videos, recordings previous CPD Masterclasses on the OfficialSAPC YouTube Channel, and a SAPC CPD Blog.
Pharmacist-Initiated Management of Antiretroviral Therapy
As alluded to by the President of Council earlier in this issue of the Pharmaciae, following the dismissal of the application to halt the implementation of Pharmacist-Initiated Management of Antiretroviral Therapy (PIMART), the applicant has been granted the right to appeal the dismissal at the Supreme Court of Appeal. We continue to work towards ensuring the implementation of PIMART and are hopeful that PIMART will be implemented within the current year to ensure accessibility of antiretroviral medicine and pre- as well as post-exposure prophylaxis to communities and patients that are currently unreached by the current health care manpower.
In this issue of the Pharmaciae we introduce the newly-constituted Council, provide updates concerning the activities of Council since the last issue of the Pharmaciae, including Council decisions, changes to legislation, and details concerning the findings of the Committee of Formal Inquiry. We trust that you will find this issue of the Pharmaciae informative.
Mr Vincent Tlala
South African Pharmacy Council